
Go for a higher self-esteem…

You face fewer challenges in pursuing your goals when you have higher self esteem. Your boundaries tend to better, you make fewer compromises over you own needs and you’re better at defending what you will tolerate and what you won’t.

Finally, you tend to have less unhealthy dependence in relationships (healthy dependence is always good 🙂

One of the lasting benefits of psychotherapy is an increase in self-esteem. And thanks to the insights from neuroscience we know that through the power of brain plasticity positive changes can occur at any age in the life span.

Common signs of low self-esteem

  • “People think I’m easy-going but I put on a false front.”
  • “It is difficult to think of my own needs when they conflict with the needs of others.”
  • “I worry too much what others think of me.”
  • “I’m considered successful, but I don’t feel accomplished.”

Low self-esteem profoundly impacts many areas of our lives, our thinking processes, our emotions, our desires and the choices we make.

No one can give us self-esteem. The person who depends on others for approval risks further erosion of an already shaky sense of self.

Low self-esteem can potentially create serious repercussions for long term relationships where a dependence on ongoing ego support places one in a position of compromising one’s needs in order to maintain a connection.